OPEN MON - WED Closed due to COVID-19
THUR - SAT Closed due to COVID-19
CLOSED ON SUNDAYS - More Info call us at (209) 383-KEWL

Kewl Cats Temporarily Closed Due to COVID-19

It is with regret that I inform you that Kewl Cats will be closed due to the COVID-19 issue we are all facing.

In the past we have dealt with more severe strains than COVID-19, and in my lifetime, my experience was that Americans were encouraged to live their lives with extra precautions. It was imperative in the past that the public not become scared into a hysteria and panic. I understand this strain is more contagious than the average strain we have dealt with, but we are also dealing with this in such a hysterical way. It breaks my heart to close as this has always been a sense of normalcy for many customers as well as my staff and myself. This normalcy has been stripped from us, as well as many normalcy’s that just a month ago we all took for granted. I hope we can get through this mess as quickly as possible so people can live their lives without such fear and panic. People are in such fear they are standing outside stores for 5 and 6 hours just to buy anything they can get. It has never been this way before and we have gotten through every epidemic we have encountered without losing ourselves in the process. I pray that we learn a valuable lesson from this and not take things for granted anymore, and I hope we come up with better practices in dealing with epidemics in the future. Seems that we have lost who we are with this one, and that cannot be the new normal…

Please stay safe, look after your loved ones, try to remain calm and not panic. We will get through this and Kewl Cats will reopen as soon as possible. I hope everyone practices the songs they want to sing so we can have a big karaoke party when this is all over…

With love and affection for our community,